Salina Yoon’s Where’s Boo?

In this Halloween-themed board book, the young reader is supposed to find where Boo the Cat is hiding. On each page, the child is trying to figure out if Boo is hiding behind a Halloween object. However, another Halloween character, such as a spider or witch, is actually hiding there. On the last page, Boo is found trick-or-treating.

This book is definitely for the younger children. In addition to being a board book, the cat’s face and tail are fuzzy for infants to touch and feel. My son enjoyed this book, but he wanted more with Boo. Just finding him on the last page wasn’t enough. He wanted to see what else Boo was doing. While this was a good introduction to Halloween in a fun and not frightening way, I wish there were more to it.

Where’s Boo?
By Salina Yoon
Book’s website:
Sold on Amazon for approximately $7
Easy to Read 5
Quality of Illustrations 5
Kept My Child’s Interest 3
Appealed to Boys & Girls 
I Would Purchase For My Child Yes
I would Purchase As A Gift  Yes
Overall Rating

All ratings on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).

Meet the Reviewer!

Jennifer Flora is a stay-at-home mom to a 4-yearold daughter and a 2 ½-yearold son. When she is not chasing them around, she enjoys reading and couponing.  


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