Expert: How to Keep Your Kids Safe and Healthy on Halloween

Baby girl crying on her first halloween party
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Fall is here, and with holidays like Halloween and fun festivities like trick-or-treating coming up, there are many temptations and goodies to be offered. Following a few do’s and don’ts can help make the celebrations a little safer and more healthy for both children and parents.

Treats for Special Diets

Food allergies can put a damper on any kid’s fun, especially during Halloween. Parents are reminded to examine the label of all candies to ensure your child’s allergen isn’t present and are cautioned to not allow any home-baked goods or foods that are not commercially wrapped to be eaten.  It is important to keep in mind that mini or bite-size versions of candy might have different ingredients than their full-size versions. To be sure last year’s treats aren’t this year’s trick, impose a “no eating while trick-or-treating” rule until you have time to review all food labels and check for tampering.

Handing out candy to little ghosts and goblins on Halloween is part of the holiday experience, and there’s a fun and easy way to make it even more inclusive for the one in 13 kids who have food allergies or intolerances. The “Teal Pumpkin Project” created by the Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) organization suggests placing a teal-colored pumpkin out front signaling it contains allergy-friendly candy or foods, as well as non-edible treats like small toys, glow sticks or stickers.

Disclaimer: Some items and foods are choking risks for children and should be avoided, particularly with children younger than age 4 or children who have certain disabilities. The list includes certain foods, small toys and any item small enough to place inside the mouth.

Keeping a watchful eye on your kids while they enjoy their loot is important, as food allergies can develop at any stage of life. Every three minutes, a food allergy reaction sends someone to the emergency room in the United States, and no parents need that type of scare on Halloween.  A child having an allergic reaction may manifest symptoms of putting their hands in their mouth, pulling or scratching at their tongues or slurring their words, or their voice may become hoarse or squeaky.  Other symptoms you may see are hives, abdominal pain, and in very severe cases, low blood pressure and loss of consciousness. If you think your child is having an allergic reaction, seek immediate medical care.  Calling 911 may be needed in some cases, particularly when a severe reaction occurs, when symptoms begin soon after ingestion or if symptoms are progressing rapidly.

Tricks on Keeping Them Healthy 

The spookiest holiday of the year is a good marker for the start of flu season as well. Getting a flu vaccine and staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccines before mischief night can help keep your child happy and healthy past Halloween and into the family holiday season.

It is also a great time to remind your child of other important ways to stay healthy and safe as they travel door to door speaking to neighbors to get treats. Children trick-or-treating on Halloween night should remember to always watch out for cars, use reflective gear if possible, walk with a group and carry a flashlight. With the increase in sugar intake in your child’s diet, it is also important to remind them to brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste regularly and floss daily as well.

For parents with children who wear face paint or makeup, it’s important to check out those ingredients as well. Harmful ingredients in face makeup can trigger allergies or cause problems like skin irritation. Some tips to help avoid toxic ingredients and possible skin reactions: avoid makeup with heavy metals like cadmium, mercury, lead and even arsenic. To avoid infection from makeup, wash hands before applying and never share makeup with others. A good practice is to test a small amount of makeup a few days before to see if your child will have a reaction, and when in doubt, talk to your child’s pediatrician.

Stay safe, healthy and happy this Halloween, and be sure to remain healthy throughout the rest of the holiday season by visiting your family provider to get you and your family’s flu shots.

Dr. Joydip Roy is Chief Medical Officer at UnitedHealthcare of the MidAtlantic, with over a decade of experience and expertise in patient care. Dr. Roy received his Medical Degree from The University of Tennessee College of Medicine and went on to complete training in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine. 


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