5 Goal-Tracking Apps to Help You Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

1. Strides: Habit Tracker

Strides is the ultimate habit and goal tracker. Simply input a goal or choose one from their list, then set a specific date for achieving your goal. Set up reminders and track your progress daily, weekly or monthly. View charts of your history including streaks, success rate and more. To help you stay on track, the app displays a green/red pace line system of your progress.

2. Coach.me – Goal Tracking

This goal tracking app helps you stay motivated with unique community support and world-class coaches. You can choose to be your own coach, get coaching from the community or hire a coach for a small fee. It lets you track your goals, see your progress and celebrate milestones. By experiencing the motivational force of external accountability, users can accomplish their goals in a highly efficient and effective way.

3. Habit-Bull: Daily Goal Tracker

Habit-Bull lets you track all your habits, routines and repeated to-do’s. Input goals, set up reminders, join discussion forums and more. But what makes it unique is that it puts an extra focus on helping you cut the bad habits from your life like nail biting, smoking or poor food choices. And it shows you patterns of these bad habits to keep you accountable. The app also sends you inspiring quotes per category from people who are working on the same goals as you, which is a nice touch.

4. NoLimit-App

With NoLimit-app you can create specific and challenging goals and set up relevant tasks and deadlines. You can track your progress in six life areas, and you will constantly have a full picture view of your goals and progress. The app includes an interval timer, relevant tests, stress reduction exercises to get you through your goals and easy milestones. Plus, it keeps you motivated with statistical feedback.  

5. Productive – Habit Tracker

Productive is a free tool that helps you build a routine of life changing habits. Set personal goals, track your progress and motivate yourself to achieve new heights. The app is fully customizable and has an easy-to-use interface, making it ideal for users who are looking for the most simple and no-frills way to track goals.


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