Moms of the Year: Vicki Sweet

Mom to Peyton, age 8 and Olivia, age 6

Woodbridge, VA

Military mothers are their own special breed—they’re committed, fierce, loyal and understanding. Vicki fits that mold. As a military mom, she’s present in the lives of her daughters and has learned how to appreciate the moments in everyday life. 

“There are some days that life doesn’t cooperate and it’s okay to just accept that and move on, ready to face tomorrow!”

Q&A with Vicki Sweet


Executive assistant for Brightline Interactive, and small-business owner of Vicki Sweet’s Vinyl.

What’s the best parenting advice you’ve ever received?

It sounds totally cliché, but just to remember to stop and enjoy your children for the amazing tiny humans they are. Take time when they are small to get to know them as individuals, so you can help nurture them and encourage them to grow into an adult, true to their inner self.  

What advice would you give to new or expectant moms?

I would tell new moms to humble themselves and lower any expectations they have put on themselves and on others, for that matter. Mom-ing is HARD and in today’s society there is so much pressure to be a certain way or do a certain thing. Do what you feel is in the best interest of your family and try to eliminate people from your life that bring negativity. And ask for help. Don’t be too proud or stubborn to go through this parenting journey alone.

How has motherhood changed your outlook on life?

Motherhood has definitely put much of my life in perspective.  It has helped me to focus on what truly matters and has also forced me to slow down and appreciate the precious moments of everyday life.  

What goals do you have for yourself?

If you had asked me this ten years ago, I would have listed out a well-articulated five-, 10- and 20-year plan. At this point in life, a mother is not often asked this question—typically, the focus is solely on our children! And having children has certainly changed my perspective and my priorities in life. When I paused to think about how to answer this, the first thing that came to mind is how I hope to be able to glorify God in all that I do on this Earth. I know that seems broad, but I believe we were put here for a purpose. By living a worthy, intentional life and building His kingdom through the relationships and interactions we have with others, I expect the rest of my ambitions and goals to fall into place if they are meant to be.  

What would you say your secret is to balancing life/family/work/motherhood?

I had to laugh a little when I read this question. I wish I could say that I had a secret to making it all work flawlessly, but let’s be real—does anyone really? It’s all about prioritizing and knowing what will matter at the end of the day and what won’t. There are some days that life doesn’t cooperate and it’s okay to just accept that and move on, ready to face tomorrow!

Click here to read about the other Moms of the Year!


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