Holiday Gift Ideas

Here’s an excerpt from Momtini’s Blog that we just loved! It shares great gift ideas that will be light on the wallet and bring smiles to everyone’s faces.

Holiday Gift Ideas, from MomTini:

First, on gifts:

1.Turn Whining Into Wishlists – Get your kids to write wish lists. This serves many useful purposes. First, it teaches the important lesson of delayed gratification;provides a roadmap for grandparents to navigate the kids’ aisle with preparation; and communicates the idea that you can wish for anything inthe world, and that alone is a gift. 

2.Consider a Gift Exchange for Adults or Teens – Indulgence is everywhere,and with the economy this year being in the dumps, simplifying the giftgiving may be in order. For the adults in your family, consider putting names in a hat, so each person buys and receives one gift. Set aspending cap so everyone gives and receives in the same range. Consider a theme, and be creative with it – for example, if your theme is “relaxation” which is appropriate for this time of year, you can get creative and give CD’s/music, bubble bath, wine, a soft blanket, and so on.

3.Consider Gift Swapping – You can host a party with friends where everyone brings 2 lightly used gifts, and by exchanging with other families, you’re adding freshness to a toy that may have hit its “fun factor” expiration date in another house, but would be a blast for your own kids. There are also websites that facilitate swaps such as Zwaggle. The folks at Zwaggle explain,“Swapping lets families exchange items they no longer need for ‘new’ things, while saving money and our environment.” Here’s how it works: Zwaggle operates on a cashless, point-based system. Every time someone “Zwaggles” an item, they receive site points which they can then use to acquire other items for their kids.

4.Consider Donating Old Toys – Holidays and birthdays are a perfect time to encourage clean up and donate activitiesin your playroom. Kids, who may be less likely to part with their “favorite toy” (even if they haven’t played with it in years) will be more inclined knowing that they’re about to receive new toys. As they get older, this habit will become one the kids are accustomed to, and charitable behavior is reinforced. Plus, remembering kids who don’t have the luxury of getting toys at holiday time is important.

5.Homemade Gifts are Priceless – Whether you’re looking for recession-proof gift ideas, or your kids are anxious to buy gifts for relatives but don’t have the funds in their Piggy Bank, homemade gifts never fail. I’m all for simple, and I’m far from artistic, but putting a picture on some construction paper, letting yourkids decorate, and laminating into different shapes at an area office supply store can turn basic supplies into masterpieces: bookmarks, coasters, etc. I reported on lots of simple, last-minute, homemade, andrecession proof gifts a while back – many of those ideas would be perfect for the holidays as well. 

So, whatever holiday you’re celebrating, make it a safe, happy, and memorable one!

For more MomTini Lounge, check out her fabulous blog here!


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