FAMILY Blog: My 3 R’s For September

Growing up, I used to look to September with a tinge of excitement. The beginning of a new school year meant getting a clean slate – new teachers, new clothes, new classmates, new activities, new books – the list goes on. In many ways, it felt like a “pre-New Year.” It was the month that allowed me to start anew and look forward to pivotal life changes.

With my school days far behind me, I’d lost that special admiration and excitement for September. I saw it as a precursor to the “heart” of fall – a quick 30-day detour before the fun-filled holiday months began. And that’s pretty sad, right? So I decided to make a change this year and clock it back to my school-kid mindset.

I needed to find a little inspiration for my retro-September plan, so naturally, I began my quest on the Internet. I began by browsing the mother load of all inspiration: Pinterest. As I was perusing through the vast array of delectable recipes, trendy fashions and fall crafting ideas, I came across two pins side by side. One declared that September is National Self-Improvement Month and the other was a quote that read, “Be in the now.” OK, September – I see you!

I proceeded to come up with my September action plan right then and there, which I have summed up in three words: Reflect. Regroup. Reenergize. I’m calling it my “Three R’s for September.”

I’m using this time to reflect in small ways, such as starting a daily journal, diving into a new fall book collection or simply making myself spend 30 minutes each day alone and unplugged. For me, taking deep breaths and thinking only on the present is easier said than done!

The summer craziness leaves most of us feeling a bit unraveled, so I hope to regroup and get refocused during these 30 days of self-improvement. I hope to use it as a time to get back into a comfortable and positive regime by finding creative ways to schedule and stay organized.

Lastly, I’m choosing to reenergize this month with a new health regime, and can’t wait to try out enticing nutrition trends, including more new “superfoods,” (like turmeric, featured on pg. 46 this month!). I’m also signing up for a new exercise routine, and want to mix up my workouts with the recently popular Barre-Cardio or Pound classes – which I’ve heard raves about.

All in all, I’m embracing September as a fresh and healthy reboot. It will be a time to refocus my mind and body before the overindulging holidays push their way in. If you’re like me and need a dose of September inspiration as well, I challenge you to take a hard step back from pumpkin-spice dreaming and Halloween pre-shopping to reflect, regroup, reenergize and make Self Improvement Month something to once again look forward to!

Britni Petersen


Washington FAMILY Magazine

[email protected]


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